The nearest EcoPosts from here (zoom out map to see):
Dickson Wilderness Conservation Area (EcoPost 1) with its prairie, hand-tame chickadees and Carolinian forest.
Forks of the Grand River (EcoPost 4) also makes a good stop, especially for spring and fall bird migration and in winter when Bald Eagles may be present.
Take a coffee or a lunch at the University of Waterloo’s School of Architecture’s Melville Café by the Grand River, and you’ll be able to get an outdoor swift and pigeon show. The Architecture School also has regular exhibitions.
The Cambridge Farmers’ Market is nearby and offers unusual retail wares.
Walk South (down river) and you’ll find the garden of the Galt Horticultural Society (Best from May to September)
Also just to the South is McDougall Cottage, often with folk music and a Scottish piper.
Finally, check out events at Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge on Grand Ave. S.