About EcoPosts

Ecoposts is a project initiated and led by Waterloo Region Nature (WRN), the Region of Waterloo’s nature club.

EcoPosts material was prepared in the School of Planning by Roger Suffling, Rob Feick, Peter Liu and Cameron Curran at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment, and Paul Bigelow of Waterloo Region Nature. The site has been programed using WordPress.

Funding has been generously provided by:

We are grateful for the support and cooperation of the following people, businesses and institutions in making EcoPosts available “on site” through notices:

The following members of WRN contributed to a 2015 workshop to nominate EcoPost sites: Gisela Bach, Karen Buschart, Lynn Conway, Larry Lamb, Debbie Leung, Greg Michalenko, Neil Stewart, Jon Walgate, Bill Wilson.


We acknowledge the use of various materials kindly provided by sources in the public domain and listed under individual illustrations. You may use material not attributed to these other sources under the same terms as the Creative Commons. For all other material please refer to the original sources for allowable usage.

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